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Stop Living in Your Self-Made Prison of Fear

Feb 22, 2021

Hey there,

Do you ever have those days where you feel stuck? Like, there’s something you want to do/accomplish/create and you’ve dreamt about it and wanted it for so long but when it comes down to actually doing the thing, you feel stuck in cement.

Nothing is moving.

You can’t focus on it. You don’t know what to do or say or how to get started.

You’re not sure that you even want it anymore (but deep down, you know you do).

But the momentum is gone.

All you feel is the distance between where you are now and where you want to be. And that distance feels insurmountable.

When you close your eyes and ask yourself why this is so hard, all you feel is fear. You are afraid that you will do it wrong, that you will make a fool out of yourself, that you don’t know how, that you don’t have anything unique to offer.

These fears feel real and justified.

You believe them even though you don’t want to. You wonder whether you should just give up.

You hear a small, still voice within saying “you can do this, you can.” You shrug your shoulders and say, “I don’t know if I can.”

Deep down you feel a strong desire to be free, to be known, to be heard, to be seen, to create, and you can’t shake the feeling. But you don’t know how to get there.

I feel this way too. All the time. There are so many things I want to do in my life including writing a book and making a meaningful difference in the world through my work. But my fears can get the way and stop me in my tracks.

Here’s what I practice to get unstuck.

  1. First, I write down all my fears in my journal. Every single one of them. I even write some fears multiple times if they are really strong and intense that day.
  2. Then, I look at them. I read them to myself and aloud. I acknowledge them and give them space.

That’s it. That’s the practice.

It’s so simple that it doesn’t seem like it would do much but writing the fears down is a release. Writing them down stops them from constantly repeating in my mind.

Plus, reading them back gives me insight into where I am stuck. And it helps me understand what I can do to get unstuck.

The best part of this practice is that it allows for a private and meaningful conversation with myself.

Give it a try:

Every morning, start your day with writing down your goals and then write down your fears associated with those goals. Write down ALL the fears, every single one of them. Read what you wrote. Then take a deep breath. Your fears have been heard. Then, ask yourself what’s next? Listen and follow the still, small voice that responds - it knows the way.



P.S. If you are ready to shed past hurts, struggles, and challenges so you can make way for a fresh start, join my Brave New Year Retreat. It will walk you through letting go and beginning again. Learn more here.❤️


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